The Need for Visual AI In Highways
The highways all around the world could use upgrades and enhancements to their existing infrastructure, which can greatly bolster the road safety and allow greater convenience to travelers and commuters.
The current highway system is getting rapidly outdated with the ever-increasing amounts of traffic on highways, and the fact that most road safety laws are outright ignored. Hence, there is a need for improvements to highways.

Prisma AI’s Smart Visual AI Solutions for Highways
Prisma AI has developed a wide range of solutions for the purpose of aiding highway networks all around the world. Prisma’s own patented algorithm, Gryphos, makes these solutions possible. The following solutions work to create an automated and advanced highway management system:
Red signal Violation detection that reports cars that break red signals
Accidents and broken-down cars can be detected so that assistance may be sent These solutions from prisma can truly automate and enhance the current highway infrastructure, adding convenience and enforcing safety and security on the roads.
Automatic number plate recognition makes easier for the owner to pass by the toll booth without waiting too long as amount will deduct automatically from the person’s account
Lane-cutting detection Which reports drivers who cut lanes unnecessarily in traffic

The Future of Highways with AI
Artificial Intelligence can go a long way to enhancing the quality of highways, and various other sectors. The power of artificial intelligence as a tool is such that it greatly enhances anything that it is applied to, as well as creating new applications and products that are automated with machine learning. Prisma AI continues to innovate and develop solutions with the aid of artificial intelligence.